Arresti e Violenze, La Cina Prepara la Repressione di Hong Kong

Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Andy Chan prelevati e detenuti senza motivo. Altri esponenti del movimento assaliti da squadre di picchiatori. Se le strade si riempiranno di manifestanti sara' proclamato il coprifuoco ed entreranno in azione i carri armati cinesi - 30/8/2019 ID: 3252

<p>Continuano gli arresti di esponenti del movimento da HKFP : HONG KONG LAW &amp; CRIME POLITICS &amp; PROTEST Hong Kong lawmaker Cheng Chung-tai arrested in round-up of pro-democracy figures 30 August 2019 16:35 Tom Grundy Civic Passion chair and lawmaker Cheng Chung-tai has been arrested by Hong Kong police, amid a round-up of pro-democracy figures. Cheng Chung-tai Cheng Chung-tai. File photo: In-Media. According to a Facebook post by the localist group�s former chief Wong Yeung-Yat, Cheng was en route to an event in Tin Shui Wai when he was arrested. It is unclear on what grounds Cheng was arrested. His detention comes after the arrest of several high-profile activists over the space of 24-hours, including Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Andy Chan and Althea Suen. Since June, the police have arrested more than 900 people in relation to the ongoing anti-extradition law protests. The ill-fated bill would have allowed case-by-case fugitive transfers to China. Large-scale peaceful protests have morphed into � sometimes violent � displays of dissent over Beijing�s encroachment, democracy, alleged police brutality, surveillance and other community grievances. HKFP has contacted the police for comment.</p>

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Date Created: 11/12/2020 16:55:20

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